General Contractor Agreement

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As a licensed General Contractor, Bildex operates on transparent and official terms.

"We believe that there is nothing less than perfection in construction"

Bildex always enters into agreement with the customer before starting work. This document regulates legal relations between the parties, defining the main provisions of cooperation, rights and obligations of the parties.

The following details are prescribed in the General Contractor Agreement:

  1. list of works to be performed;
  2. dates of commencement and completion of works;
  3. cost of works;
  4. conditions of construction management;
  5. conditions, terms of delivery of building materials, involvement of equipment;
  6. involvement of subcontractors;
  7. obligations, rights and responsibilities of the parties.

The standard Appendix to the General Contractor Agreement is the commercial estimate, work completion and acceptance certificate and statement of cost. Since we work exclusively openly, design work and preparation of estimates is carried out in IVK program complex in accordance with state construction regulations and standards.

Great construction experience of BILDEX proves that the key to a successful project is the reasonableness of all processes in detail.

The conclusion of the Agreement is one of the elements of reliable foundation of our future relations.

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